Happy New Year! Welcome to the first issue of 2023!
How did you get on over the festive period? Got what you wanted? We bet you did. Ate lots of goodies? Watched lots of movies? Read back through your TPP past issues collection? Of course, you did!
As you can see from our cover, we are celebrating one of the world’s most popular toys this month. It’s hard to believe that the amazing LEGO brick is 65 years old – and has no intention of retiring. You’ll find out everything you ever wanted to know about this creative wonder-toy on pages 16-18.
2023 promises to be an action-packed year, so allow us to start it off by bringing you the latest news, sport and entertainment along with all your other favourite articles in this month’s TPP.
Before we leave you to curl up and read issue #118, we’d like to remind you of our annual YEAR IN REVIEW quiz on page 19. Here we test your knowledge of some of the important events of 2022 which we covered in TPP. You could even turn it into a fun quiz at home or in school if you wish!
As always, we’d really love to hear from you, and this month, we are, once again, putting a call out for your book reviews! You can email them to schools@theprimaryplanet.ie
See you all next month and have a wonderful 2023.