Well done – you have what they call the toughest month in the year over you, and spring is here … well, it’s on the way anyway!
How did you get on with the 2022 Year in Review Quiz in last month’s issue of TPP? Did you get them all right? If you did, we take our hats off to you!
This month, with YouTube celebrating its 18th birthday on Valentine’s Day, we are taking a close look at the world-famous streaming service on pages 16 to 18. You will be amazed! And with all your favourites included as usual, we know you will love this February issue.
Have a great midterm break, and don’t forget, Shrove Tuesday falls on February 21 this year. Enjoy those pancakes!
As always, we are continually on the lookout for book reviews, school news, stories and poems, so get cracking. You can email them to schools@theprimaryplanet.ie.