Is it just me – yes, I am like a broken record – or is time simply flying by? March? Already? It seems like Christmas was only two weeks ago, not two months! Anyway, that’s what we older people do – constantly stress about time! At least we have Saint Patrick’s Day to celebrate, along with millions of people around the world!
So, what have we got for you this month? What do you know about the Metaverse? Well, check out ‘The Big Story’ on page 3 and prepare to be amazed. In our March Feature, on pages 16-18, we take a look at some of Nature’s misnomers – you’ll have fun with this. As always, your very own magazine is chock full of news, sport, art, history, wellbeing tips, puzzles … I could go on and on!
As always, we’d really love to hear from you, and this month, we are, once again, putting a call out for your book reviews! You can email them to schools@theprimaryplanet.ie
See you all next month and have a wonderful Saint Patrick’s Day.
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig!