Hey, TPPers! As always, we are delighted to welcome you all to a brand-new season of The Primary Planet!
For those of you who are returning (from 4th and 5th class last year), we are delighted to have you back … and now as 6th class pupils!
For those of you who are ?icking through the pages of TPP for the ?rst time, we’re equally delighted you could join us.
This year, we promise you the very best of news, sport, entertainment, history, motors, wellbeing, STEM, art and much, much more. We’re pretty certain there is something in here for everyone. So, sit back, don’t put your feet up (you’re in school, remember!) and enjoy issue 124.
Oh! In case you need reminding – we want to hear from you. So, save the email – schools@theprimaryplanet.ie –and get in touch with questions, book reviews, stories and news!
Enjoy the read!