Springtime greetings, TPPers, and a merry March welcome to you all!
We hope you enjoyed the February issue and were encouraged to have open and positive discussions on responsible internet use, fake news and staying safe online. This is such an important aspect of (all) our lives today and deserves the utmost attention, time and focus we can give it.
This month, we are travelling back in time to unearth for you one of the most significant (and mind-blowing) discoveries ever made. The Terracotta Army continues to amaze people from all over the world, and as this month marks the 50th anniversary of the find we are delighted to be able to share this truly incredible story with you.
Of course, we have all the regulars in here, which we know you love. From the wacky, weird and wonderful news to the best of book reviews and creative writing from your fellow readers, we’re proud to say there’s something for everyone to enjoy!
Finally for this month, a major shout-out to all of you who sent in book reviews and short stories. It is this reader input that makes TPP so good! So, don’t forget: if you have something to share with us – maybe you have read a brilliant book, penned a class story, or done something remarkable in your school of late – be sure to email schools@theprimaryplanet.ie and we’ll do our best to publish it in a future issue!
We’ll see you back here after the Easter break!