Welcome TPP readers, one and all!
You may have noticed we are celebrating our 100th issue this month – a landmark issue in TPP’s history and something we are very proud of.
To be honest, it’s hard to believe one hundred issues have rolled off the printing press and found their way into so many schools around the country over the last ten years.
Even though you may only be reading TPP for the last year or two (or perhaps this is your first time), many of your older brothers, sisters, cousins and neighbours will have made up our loyal legion of readers since TPP began way back in 2011.
From the very beginning, all we wanted to do here at TPP was create a newspaper (in the format of a magazine) that you would enjoy reading. Simple, really. There was no such mag in Ireland at the time and we wanted to change that.
Of course, TPP has evolved over the years, but our mission has stayed the same: ‘To bring the world of news, sport and entertainment to you in a language you understand and in a manner you can easily relate to. To encourage you to read and write for a purpose, and to provide a platform and forum for your contributions, opinions and commentary.' (TPP Mission Statement, 2011)
So, this month, we invite you to sit back and enjoy every word, sentence and story in this the 100th issue.
By doing so, you will be creating your own space in the history of TPP. And who knows, for our 200th issue, you may very well be the teacher handing out the mags to eager pupils or, better yet, a member of the TPP team, creating super content for the youth of 2031!
See you in April, and welcome back to school, by the way!