News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students



Hello, Maths maniacs, and welcome to today’s TPP MATHS WEEK SPECIAL MENTAL MATHS AUDIO QUIZ – Day 2 of MATHS WEEK ... wuhoo! 

We're delighted to have you join us again today and try your hand at our not-so-tricky quiz! If you're new to this, it's very simple – We have 24 questions that we need 24 answers to. Correct, if possible. You can answer on the answer sheet your teacher may have handed out to you or, if you have access to a computer, you can type the answers into the comment box below. By doing so, you get entered into the daily draw for a cool TPP Prize.

To begin today's Mental Maths quiz, click on the audio bar below!

Don't forget:

If you enter the draw for today’s TPP competition, type your answers into the comment box below. Don't forget to leave your name (first name) and school details

Daily Prizes:

1.      For all you TPPers out there, we’ll pop your names into a separate hat for a super-cool and uber-exclusive TPP hoodie. You know the ones!

Yesterday's winner: Kyle, Ballybrittas NS, Co. Wicklow 

2.      For all of you whose schools do not get The Primary Planet News Magazine, we’ll pop your names into another hat and the winner will win a class set of the amazing Primary Planet delivered to your school the very next day! You will LOVE it!

Yesterday's winner: St Joseph's BNS, Terenure, Co. Dublin

Psst! Hit the three circles at the end of the audio bar and select x1.5 in the playback speed options. This will deliver a chipmunk-version of the quiz in double quick time. You can still press pause after each question if you need to ;) 




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