News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students

The Moana Quiz

Many of you were still in nappies when Moana, the first movie, hit cinemas in 2016. Were you paying attention back then, or were you too busy crawling and climbing to notice? Well, now's your chance to find out … 

What is the name of the demigod that Moana teams up with on her adventure?
What is the name of the magical item that Moana must return to its rightful place?
The Head of Te Fiti
The Heart of Te Fiti
The Rear of Te Fiti
What does Maui use to shape-shift into different animals?
His magical sword
His magical shovel
His magical fishhook
What song does Moana sing when she feels called to the ocean?
"Lovely Leitrim"
"How Far I'll Go"
Which animal accidentally joins Moana on her boat?
Peter the pig
Jimmy the Giraffe
Heihei the rooster
What type of creature is the giant treasure-hoarding Tamatoa?
A giant slug
A giant lobster
A giant crab
Like her ancestors, what does Moana use to navigate across the ocean?
The stars
The Sun
The Moon



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