Starring the hilarious Will Ferrell (Daddy’s Home, Mastermind, LEGO Movie) as Buddy the Elf, this Christmas cracker tells the story of a human raised by elves at the North Pole who travels to New York City to find his biological father. Along the way, Buddy experiences the human world with a childlike wonder and innocence that will bring you to tears (of laughter)!
Packed with unforgettable moments – my fave is the snowball fight – Elf delivers heartwarming messages about family, identity and the spirit of Christmas. From eating spaghetti with candy to discovering the wonders of a big city, you will be left in no doubt about the magic of Christmas and the power of love.
If that sounds a bit OTT for you, don’t be fooled. Elf is quite simply a brilliant, hilarious and laugh-out-loud movie you will want to watch over and over again.
For those of you who prefer the Big Screen to the TV, then allow us to finish on a high note for you – Elf will be showing in cinemas throughout Ireland this Christmas season. The perfect way to celebrate its 20th anniversary.